Friday, September 19, 2008

Above Average

why do we push ourselves to the limit? bring us to the edge, make ourselves suffer the consequences? why do people want to over-achieve simple matters?

like playing a sport, or taking a run, out till you tire yourself completely of every single drop of energy. only to face the wrath of an inhumane whole body sore the next day. then beg for someone to relieve the pain of our very own doing.

that's just an example. but we tend to do this a lot in our work, assignments, everything we do in life on a daily basis. we go all out to reach the limit, then realize, "is that it?".

is that all its worth?

maybe indirectly it'll bring us closer to something else? maybe the pushing ourselves part itself releases some kind of adrenaline that we all hunger for? maybe by reaching the heights, we hope for some recognition to separate us from the ordinary rest?

whether it is worthied or not, i think its everyone for their own. we all fit in different places of this gigantic puzzle of life, so i guess our purposes serve differently from the person sitting next to you on the bus. and if our purposes serve differently, then obviously whatever we do, we do for different reasons. no?

maybe i'm wrong. maybe we all just do it to take our minds off the other mysteries and burdens of life? i think i would. its an easier option out.

and better than saying " i've got something on "... then again, there's nothing wrong being a perfectionist. although, daggers of envy come with it as a package you can't return.



y. 源 said...

By pushing myself to the limits, I feel a sense of satisfaction! :) Maybe it's just me..

Different people.. different thinking.. different aims in life..

sharman said...

that is true, we do get a sense of satisfaction. but do you just push yourself to the limit, JUST because you want that self satisfaction?

yerppp different people, different aims... human uniqueness

y. 源 said...

Definitely just for self satisfaction..hehe..if i do things half-heartedly, i might as well don't do it.. =)

sharman said...

thats true.. though sometimes we just have to do things even if we dont want to...

Fardde said...

yeappp...indeed, there's nothing wrong in being a perfectionist. =)

im one classic example! heh.

sharman said...

hmmm really??? perfecting your little boy toy? :P

Fardde said...

haha...your head! =p

sharman said...

nahhh my head dont need no perfecting :P