Thursday, August 23, 2007


usually people take a walk, or ride a bike in the evening. usually.

here, people ride horses. how often do you see that on the roads of malaysia?


Fardde said...

at least sey.

I had NEVER ridden on a horse before.

I would want to one day!

(With Prince Charming to take me away =DDD )

Anonymous said...

what's wrong with horse riding?

horse riding is super fun okayyyy...
oh ya, SEXY too!

msg for dilah: try the Osim IGallop!! hahaha..

AdrenaLynn said...

Shanz.. how is riding horse sexy ???

Oh and why spend money on an IGallop ...when you can do that for free

sharman said...

dilah: i also tak pernah. at least i dont remember hehehe

shanz: i didnt say theres anything wrong with it la. but how often u see horses on the street!

adrenalynn: lol XD XD XD

Fardde said...


someone has dirty thoughts.

Newaes, i did see a rather... dirty version of iGallop sometime back.


Anonymous said...

i mean horse riding is hot la..i find it hot.
n i mentioned the IGallop coz its really macam riding a horse. nice!

sharman said...

IGallop looks like other things too

AdrenaLynn said...

When i read this...
"i mentioned the IGallop coz its really macam riding a horse. nice!"

I just had to laugh....

Tu baru IGallop...

You ain't seen nothing yet...


ok ya.. i know ..i'm such a perv...

sharman said...

gosh 18sx